Gimmicks get clicks.
Gimmicks aren't why a customer sticks...
So if my "gimmick" worked, then you clicked "more" and now the algo will reward this post.
You've seen plenty of short phrase / lots of white space posts. That's because they get algo attention.
But it got me to thinking...are companies trying to do the same with customers and customer experience?
Sure you can try and create an amazing surprise and delight moment that may go viral. (BTW...I LOVE Surprise & Delight...but only for sincerity...not just to try and manufacture virality.)
Certain elements of promotions or events can raise attention and conversion. (Again...I'm not's an important part of brand elevation.)
But the fundamentals...the basics...that's what creates the loyalty that generates an ongoing customer relationship and ongoing spend.
Are your basics right? Do you have your Total VOC approach in place?
What do the basics of creating great customer experience look like to you?