Complaints are gold. Don't spend platinum to get them

💯"Complaints are GOLD". Yup...I agree. 100%
💰BUT...don't spend PLATINUM to get them...
🤨Huh? Rick...what does that mean?...

Execution. Discipline. Process.

Bleah...those aren't fun words are they?

But if you don't have that, if you don't have a *defined* Total VOC approach where you...
-collect the customer's voice across all listening posts
-understand the themes
-restore the individual relationship (eCLF - external closed loop feedback)
-improve what's broken (iCLF - internal closed loop feedback)

...your efforts will be inefficient and costly.

I know it's not sexy to talk about process in the CX world but it's vital.

What are some of your best processes for harvesting that complaint gold and doing something with it?